Social Media Ministry

When the Apostle Paul would travel to a new city to preach the Gospel, he sought out two prominent places: the Jewish synagogue and the local marketplace (Acts 28:30-31). This strategy provided the Apostle Paul with the greatest amount of people to share the Gospel. In this same light, the Raleigh Church of Christ has embraced Social Media. Why have we as a church done this?  Consider the following statistics: In 2021, 4.48 billion people actively used Social Media. In 2021, seven out of ten Americans used a Social Media platform. As a church, we need to go where the people are and they are on Social Media. Our church currently has three social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. We utilize each platform to share Bible verses, Bible classes, sermons, and to extend invitations to visit us. If you believe you have the talent, knowledge, and/or the time to join our church Social Media team, please fill out the volunteer form and someone will contact you and get you plugged in.