What to Expect when Visiting RCC
Although striving to be like Jesus our Savior and God our Father, we are flawed humans in need of grace, mercy, and love. But, though we’re far from perfect, we will be welcoming, friendly, and happy to see you.
We have Bible study classes for all age groups, so bring your whole family. Adult studies, available in both English and Spanish, are usually conducted in a discussion format. Listen, observe, ask questions, comment—participate in whatever ways make you feel comfortable.
Because we want our worship to please God, and also to encourage and edify everyone, we look to the practices of the church as described in the New Testament to guide us in our Sunday morning gatherings.
- We love to sing. By choice our singing is a cappella (using only our voices as our instruments). We find beauty in this Biblical simplicity.
- We observe the Lord’s Supper to remember Christ, as He Himself instructed and as early Christians did each first day of the week.
- You will hear several prayers during our worship together. Praying unites our hearts and focuses our minds to express directly to God our thankfulness, our concerns, and our struggles.
- Our preacher will give a Bible-based, life-applicable lesson (sermon) for typically 20-30 minutes. You’ll notice that he doesn’t wear special robes or go by special titles (e.g., Pastor or Reverend). He is a member like everyone else, using his talents and training to communicate God’s desire to have a relationship with us. Our preacher? He’s simply Elisha, our friend.
- We also take up a weekly offering to support our various ministries and to meet other financial obligations. We do not expect you, our guest, to contribute.
Here at RCC we hope you will find an environment that prompts your thinking, raises your spirit, and points you toward God. So, please visit and let’s get to know each other. You set the pace. If you have questions about what you see or hear during your visit, just ask one of us. We love sharing our faith journey.