RCC Ministry Groups and Descriptions

Audio-Visual (Tom Semon)

AV Systems (Tom Semon, Dennis Larson, Brian Newberry)

The AV team (about twelve members currently) support the Church Body by providing Audio Visual assistance in classrooms, during services and for special events. Some activities are video recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel for viewing by shut-in members and as an outreach ministry for public viewing.  A local area network is maintained to provide local and internet access throughout our facility.  An internet-based phone system is maintained in support of office communication.

Benevolence (Terry Groce)

This ministry works to meet physical needs for members and non-members.

Body Life (Mike Newnam)

Transportation Coordination (Stan Atwood)

Transportation is provided for members and non-members who require assistance getting to service. Members volunteer to pick up those who have expressed a need in this area.

Potter’s Clay Group (Kevin Snyder)

Potter’s Clay is a special group for young adults, primarily college students and young professionals in their 20s and 30s, single or newly married.  Beside meeting for Bible class on Sunday mornings, other fellowship activities, such as, sharing a meal, going on a hike, or throwing a holiday party occur throughout the year.

This group stays connected on Facebook/groups/pottersclayRCOC.

Homebuilders Group (Jonathan Holland, Beth Ramos, Jessica Smith)

Homebuilders is a special group for families with children with opportunities to fellowship, grow and serve together while seeking to have households built by the Lord.  Parenting or marriage focused Bible studies are occasionally conducted.  (Psalm 127)

This group stays connected on Facebook/groups/375244476243356.

CIA Group (Eric/Debbie Howell, Steve/Teresa Jenkins, Dennis/Sharon Larson)

Christians In Action (CIA) is a special group for adults, often empty nesters, that come together for fellowship, bonding, service, and spiritual growth.  Our goal is to glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ, and to spread His word.

Senior Saints Group (Bob Platt)

The Senior Saints Ministry coordinates periodic fellowship events for the congregation’s senior members.  The group is also involved in various projects that support other ministries.

Fellowship Events (Mike Newnam)

Fellowship is essential to the church and our goal is to encourage fellowship among members outside of regular service times.  A well-stocked kitchen is maintained and organized to support all fellowship events. 

Current organized events include an Annual Picnic at a local park and a period luncheon to honor and recognize new members.  As opportunities develop other events will be planned, such as, a 5th Sunday Singing with finger foods.

The Fellowship Coordinator or Event Coordinators will purchase necessary supplies per standard procedure.  Members volunteer to organize kitchen supplies, including napkins, forks, spoons, knives, plates, cups, coffee, salt, pepper, sugar, creamer, other consumables, decorating and cleaning supplies.  Each group using kitchen and adjacent Fellowship Room is responsible for cleanup, repositioning tables and chairs plus washing used dish cloths and towels.

Food Ministry/Frozen Meals (Barbara Johnson)

When required, a member may take a meal from the freezer located in the storage room to the left of the kitchen for use by themselves or another member.  Those with long-term needs or special food requirements should contact Abby Newberry.

Meals are labeled to indicate intended family size, special dietary needs, and sometimes for use by specific individuals or families.  All food items are in disposable containers and include a copy of the recipe, cooking instructions, and how many it should serve.  The label will also show when the meal was made and who made it in case there are allergy concerns or other questions.

Food Ministry/Fresh Meals (Mary Overfield)

If desired, evening meals will be delivered for three nights after the birth of a baby and five nights after a C-section delivery.  Many people wish to have meals every other day.  Meals may also be provided to an individual or family during an extended serious illness or for extenuating circumstances such as pregnancy bed rest or injury/surgery rehab, etc.  Each situation will determine the number of meals that will be delivered after discussion with the coordinator.  Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary to use meals from the church freezer as well.

Volunteers willing to provide fresh meals will either sign up on-line or contact a Fresh Meal Coordinator.  Volunteers will be given necessary details such as number of people, allergy/preference information, delivery instructions, etc.  Two coordinators work as a team and rotate every 3 months.  Current coordinates are listed in the Sunday Update.

Ladies Facebook/Monday On-line Prayer (Carol Woolens, Beth Sova)

Food Ministry/Funeral or Memorial Meals (Fran Holland, Pam Safley)

If desired by the family, a meal will be provided before or after a funeral or memorial service.  Please discuss your specific needs with Fran or Pam; they will contact the other volunteers and make the necessary arrangements.

Bulletin Boards (Anne Marie Freeman)

Bulletin board messaging serves to reinforcement lessons learned in Bible classes. They also remind members of opportunities to serve, such as, VBS and sermon series.

Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC (Pam Safley)

For many years a team of volunteers has been going to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina on the 2nd Thursday of each month, working from 9 AM to 12 PM to mainly sort donated foods for storage by type.  Occasionally, donated produce also needs to be bagged.

Ladies Prayer Meeting (Beth Culverhouse)

The ladies meet during the school year on Tuesdays at 10 AM for prayer.  The activity is in the main building.  Responsibility for organizing prayer requests and starting the meeting rotates among the ladies every 1 to 2 months.

Men’s Prayer Meeting (Mac Safley)

The Men’s Prayer Meeting is on Mondays at 10:40 AM in the Annex.

Ladies Activities–RCC Women (Julie Newman)

This is a fellowship ministry for Raleigh Church of Christ women of all ages.  Time is spent studying the Bible, discussing related topics, developing strong relationships, and doing fun activities together.  The group’s primary goal is identifying how to serve others in our group, church, and community.

Help Hands Mission Bears (Doris Dew)

Helping Hands Ministries, Inc. is a local organization providing goods and services to many facing hardship caused by many circumstances.  Our goal is to supply them with Comfort Bears to be given to young children going through this rough time in their life.  This bear shows them someone cares and provides comfort and a hint of stability which they cherish and appreciate.  Volunteers are involved in the entire assembly process for acquiring needed supplies, cutting simple patterns, sewing patterns together, stuff each bear, drawing eyes on the bear and making the final hand stitching to complete the assembly.

Buildings and Grounds (Matthew Hall/Bob Jones/Brian Janes)

Maintaining an inviting physical facility and grounds is always welcoming to guests and encouraging for members.  Every member plays an important part in keeping the building and grounds clean and in good working order.  Major support is provided by the following teams:

HVAC, Plumbing, General Maintenance (Brian Janes)

A lot of effort is required to ensure proper maintenance and management of the buildings’ HVAC, plumbing systems, and the baptistry.  A video surveillance system is maintained and used to enhance the safety and security of members and visitors while on the property and to help protect the property when facilities are unoccupied.

Keys, Doors, Activity Coordination (Jeff Loving, Daniel Dorn, Mike Clayton)

The buildings have many doors and locks.  Maintenance of associated hardware and management of keys is very important.  The coordinators manage these activities and also manage the main building’s fire protection system and surface runoff management systems.

Grounds Activity Coordination (Bob Jones)

The church’s property includes trees, bushes, hedges, flowers, and grass, along with concrete curbs and walkways, metal handrails, and a large, paved parking area with various signage.  The grounds coordinator arranges routine upkeep and maintenance work.   Special, organized workdays in the spring and fall enable members to participate in work parties to distribute mulch, pull weeds, trim bushes, etc.  A number of necessary tools are available on site for doing this work.  And, yes, even these tools need occasional maintenance.  Maintenance that is too big or too dangerous for a novice are contracted out to professionals.

Electrical Systems (Medardo Gomez)

Electrical systems are essential for general building use.  Repair and maintenance must comply with Raleigh city building codes for the safety and security of every occupant, members, and friends.  Medardo is professionally qualified and manages all repairs or expansion of electrical systems.

Education, Adult (Jeff Wright)

Adult education promotes spiritual growth by supplementing personal Bible study with engaging group studies, organized by special interest and need.

Adult Auditorium Classes (Jeff Wright)

These Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes typically cover a particular book or topic for in-depth group study led by men from the congregation who enjoy personal Bible study, public teaching, and can facilitate group discussion.  Specific topics may span several weeks or several months.  Teaching may be done by one individual for the whole topic, or by several working as a team, or individuals teaching a single lesson in one class period.

Potter’s Clay Class (Kevin Snyder)

The Potter’s Clay Class is a special class primarily for young adults (college students and young professionals; singles or young married couples).  This class typically meets during the Bible Class hour on Sunday morning to study, grow spiritually, and support one another.

Ladies Class (Beth Culverhouse)

From time-to-time special classes for ladies are offered.

Library (Mike and Samantha Zottola)

The library contains useful resources for all members.  Materials are often donated by members or other groups.  Members volunteer to sort and organize these materials when donations are received.

Adult Hispanic Class (Robert Portillo)

Education, Youth [Cradle Role through 5th Grade] (Lee Newman)

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Educating our kids with God’s word is critical to their spiritual growth.  Our goal is to support and supplement what they are already learning in their homes.  Our focused studies help them gain knowledge from God’s word, develop a faith in God, and build an appreciation for church family and personal involvement.  Every student completing this study will have been exposed to the entire Bible three times with age-appropriate lessons.  All classes are structured and on a quarterly system.  Each class requires a teacher and an assistant which rotate quarterly.  Curriculum material is provided, and supplemental teaching material is available in a well-stocked supply room.

The following age specific classes are available each Sunday morning and Wednesday night:

Develop Material (Lee Newman, Lorette Semon, Abby Newberry)

Teacher Coordination (Lee Newman, Lorette Semon, Abby Newberry)

Supply Room (Abby Newberry)

Foreign Missions (Medardo Gomez)

For many years the Raleigh Church of Christ has actively supported a number of congregations of the Church of Christ in the Department of Olancho in Honduras.  The activity is known as Project Amacuapa.  Detailed information can be found at raleighchurchofchrist.org.  Just select the missions tab.  In years where conditions permit a group from the congregation visits Honduras to encourage the brothers and sisters.

Communicate & Manage Foreign Missions (Jose “Medardo” Gomez, Mac Safley Jr.)

Local Evangelism (Elisha Freeman)

We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus with our community and have undertaken the following ways to accomplish this goal.

Website (Jeff Wright)

The congregation’s website is our visible face to the internet world.  The site tells our story with words, pictures, and videos.  Volunteers help keep the site current by providing fresh photos and videos of the congregation’s activities. Volunteers also provide support with their graphic design or writing skills.

School Program Coordination (Anne Marie Freeman, LaFonda Richburg)

Bridges Elementary School and Mt. Vernon Middle School are located on the same campus within 3 miles of the RCC church building.  The schools serve at-risk students who are not experiencing adequate success in their base schools.  The programs emphasize strengthening basic academic skills.  We are also developing activities with Dillard Drive Middle School.  Each August the congregation donates school supplies to each school.  In addition to school supplies, we also provide a monthly supply of snacks for 35 students at Bridges Elementary. The snacks are delivered August through May.

Food Pantry (Misty Hunter)

The Food Pantry ministry provides food and some basic health and beauty items to those in our area who are in need.  The pantry is typically open monthly, on the 4th Saturday of the month, from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, except November and December when it is open on the 3rd Saturday.  Panty volunteers arrive about 30 minutes early to prepare the pantry for serving (i.e. dispose of expired food, clean the pantry area, and restock low items).  Volunteers may need to help load items into cars and therefore able to lift a typical bag/box of groceries.

Raleigh Women’s Center (LaFonda Richburg, Jane Owen, Doris Dew)

On the 2nd Saturday of each month, a group visits the Raleigh Women’s Center to provide breakfast and a Bible Study with the underprivileged women of downtown Raleigh.

New Movers (Tom Shamblee, Elisha Freeman)

The New Movers Ministry receives a list of names of individuals and families who have moved within a 2.5-mile radius of our church building.  We mail out a welcome postcard, make a visit with a welcome bag, and seek to establish a Bible study.

New Member (Todd Armstrong)

Member Involvement, English (Todd Armstrong)

Member Involvement, Hispanic (Robert Portillo)

Recently Baptized (Jeff Hunter)

Purchase Bibles for the recently baptized (English or Spanish): It is the church’s pleasure to present our new brothers and sisters with a Bible.  Bibles are purchased shortly after baptism.  The English Standard Version (ESV) is the typical translation purchased.  Our new brother’s and sister’s Bible should be one which they would be able to use well into the future.

Directory (Jeff Hunter)

An online church directory is maintained so members can easily and securely see family pictures, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, anniversary dates and other miscellaneous information.  A Family Picture display is also maintained for quick easy reference by members and visitors.  Volunteers take family pictures and keep the Family Picture display current.

Greeters (Jeff Hunter)

It is important to make everyone feel welcome when visiting.  Greeters can encourage visitors and members by offering a smile and, as necessary, handing out The Updates or providing information and direction to find appropriate Bible class.  Members volunteer to serve as Greeters and also to replenish chair pockets in the Auditorium with Visitor/Member Information cards and pens.

Worship, English Services (Skip Winans/Brent Currin/Brian Newberry)

Although we are one body and work together in all things, language differences are a challenge and an opportunity.  To promote effective communication in worship and to make guests comfortable hearing their native language, RCC offers regular worship and adult Bible studies in English and Spanish. Occasionally, combined events are arranged using an interpreter.

Worship Coordination (Skip Winans, Brent Currin, Brian Newberry)

Coordinates men serving during the English worship services and Wednesday night devotionals.  Male members volunteer to lead prayers, read scripture and make short remarks before communion.

Song Leading, English Services (Bailey Forrest)

Support song leaders serving in various group settings.  These can be at various services; occasional or regular; small groups or larger; sisters, brothers, or mixed. Support those who want to learn song-leading skills (even if they do not yet wish to lead a group). Promote learning new songs and re-learning older songs.  Coordinates brothers for song leading in English congregational assemblies.

Communion Preparation (Keith Elder)

Coordinates preparation of the Lord’s Supper.  Members volunteer as needed to bake communion bread and to prepare communion trays for Sunday worship.

Baptismal Garments (Fran Holland)

Special garments are provided to wear for a baptism and towels for drying off after the baptism.  Members volunteer, as needed, to wash used garments and towels and return to the changing rooms for reuse.

Nursery Coordination (Sharah Collier)

A staffed nursery is provided during worship services so very young child can receive special care and parents can fully engage in worship.  Members volunteer as needed to work in the nursery during these times.

Worship, Hispanic Services (Robert Portillo, Cesar Fugon)

Worship Coordination (Robert Portillo, Cesar Fugon)

Robert Portillo coordinates the men serving during the Spanish worship, including singing and communion preparation.

Youth [6th Grade through High School] (Todd Armstrong)

Youth Program (Todd Amstrong, Charlie Vasquez)

The Youth Ministry focuses on helping youth fall in love with God and showing them how much they are loved by their church family.  Our goal is to develop Christians that are strong in faith, active in serving, and teaching others to become Christians.  Members support this effort by teaching/assisting in classes, providing help at special events, chaperoning trips, and providing mentorships.

Vacation Bible School (Charlie Vasquez)

The VBS ministry is an event for our kids, their friends, and kids from the community. We have skits, classes, crafts, songs, and activities.  This is a time for kids to have fun and learn more about God’s Word and a way for new kids to become involved with the church. Members support this ministry by organizing, teaching, decorating, preparing snacks and other general support.